I’m pretty obsessed with this project. Mr Turkey turned out SO cute! Okay, the rundown: Body, wings, neck/head, tail feathers, feet, beak, and wattle are all pieces of plywood cut to shape. The “ray” portion going around the neck is clothes pins separated and glued to the body. The light brown portions are spray paint and then everything else was hand painted with acrylic paints. The feet had holes drilled in them as well as the bottom of the body and they were attached with baling twine. The tail feathers were nailed to the back into the body portion but every other part was just glued using super glue (we’ll see if it stands the test of time). I accessorized Mr. Turkey with some button eyes and made a very quick bowtie out of some plaid fabric I had. This piece has a hanging apparatus similar to what I used on my autumn leaves craft (found here—>Leaf wall hangings) The big difference between the two is that the body of Mr. Turkey was made out of a much thicker plywood than the leaves, SO, that means that the back board that I needed to attach to the back to hang this could be screwed right into the piece and the screws were not visible on the front. Another project that would be easy to accessorize and make your own.