Autumn-themed wall art! This project was a bit difficult by my standards. Each leaf is cut out of plywood with a jigsaw. The picture unfortunately doesn’t do these much justice. They are quite large. The maple leaf is about 2ft x 2ft! After the shapes were cut out I did a good sanding of everything then painted each leaf by hand with acrylic paints. The colors on the maple leaf are subtle but really beautiful closer up. I kinda hate the oak leaf so I might take another whack at re-painting that next year but it is effective I suppose. I liked a little shine so I used some spray clear coat on both to seal them up a bit. I attached a board to the back of each leaf and screwed some eyebolts into that board then used a piece of string to give me something to hang these on the wall with. Because my plywood was so thin (I think I used something close to 1/4″), I didn’t want to drill a screw through the front of my leaf to attach the board on the back for hanging. So I ended up gluing the back board on. In theory, this works just fine. Unfortunately, I used super glue thinking it should hold up fine and was disappointed to find that my maple leaf took a dive in the middle of the night and broke in a couple different places. (Why oh why wasn’t it that ugly oak leaf?!) Anyway, I would suggest wood glue to secure the hanging hardware. Overall, I like how large these were and that they were a big pop of color that I could keep up for all of autumn.