Loch Ness Monster


This week’s Monster is The Loch Ness Monster (or as I like to call her, Nessie).  This creature is one of the better known throughout the world.  A great deal of speculation surrounds this creature as sightings still seem to happen.  Many “sightings” are dismissed as boat wakes in the water forming a somewhat bumpy-looking crest.  Others speculate that people are seeing a large fish like a sturgeon, floating logs, etc…  The most common appearance of Nessie tends to be a plesiosaur-like creature with a barrel like body, flippers, a long neck, and a dark coloration.  Many scientists refute the claim that Nessie is a plesiosaur however as anatomically, plesiosaurs were not able to arch their necks in the way many witnesses describe in their sightings.  Whatever you believe, Nessie is pretty much a monster celebrity and holds a special place in the hearts of monster lovers.

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