

This week’s Monster is the mermaid.  Now, one wouldn’t usually think of a mermaid as a monster.  They’re supposed to be beautiful, elegant creatures.  Think about it though…they have to be able to defend themselves against things like sharks, squid, whales, and most likely, humans.  My thought was to make her a bit more fish-like with a few mammalian features.  I think of a creature like this being shaped like a torpedo to swim quickly.  Her “fluke” is situated like a dolphin or a whale so she sort of undulates through the water.  Her hands are webbed and clawed for dexterity and protection.  She has large eyes which help her see predators and prey.  Her “hair” is made up of tentacles much like that of a squid or an octopus.  When she has captured her prey, she will use the tentacles to hold on as she consumes it.  Her face is pleasant and maybe even a bit alluring but her mouth is full of razor-sharp teeth.  She is not one to be underestimated.

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