



This week’s Monster comes to us from the rich history of Japan.  Let’s be real; Japan has some interesting creatures.  Kappa is no exception.  They are said to be very skilled wrestlers.  They will use this skill to drag victims into the water and drown them.  Parents warn their children not to get too close to rivers and lakes or else a kappa might get them.  Kappa aren’t completely bad though.  They are obsessive when it comes to politeness.  It is told that if you are to encounter a kappa, you should bow to it.  In turn, the kappa will bow in return and in doing so, spill the water from the indent on the top of its head.  Without the water from its river of origin, it will freeze in this position.  If you take pity on them and refill this indent, they will reanimate and devote themselves to repaying you.  Another strategy is to present them with a cucumber; their favorite food.  Although, I don’t know too many people that just walk around with a cucumber…

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