So, picture it; You’re sitting there trying to think of a funny drawing idea and you decide to use a random prompt generator to see what it spits out. Enter the Banana Wizard! I remember getting the two words and trying to figure out how to make them work as one idea. Then I figured a banana was vaguely crescent moon-shaped, and it all fell into place from there! His hat is a banana! His beard is a bunch of bananas! His eyebrows and moustache? All bananas! His spell book ended up being a little too small for writing a title, but you can trust and believe it is a Banananomicron. Why is he orange, you ask? Well, he was initially a lovely shade of brown. I got to thinking that maybe there were racist connotations with a brown person being a banana wizard though and I decided not to tempt fate. Now he looks like a Muppet, and that’s perfectly cool with me!