Mug Witch craft

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays so I decided to try and make some decorations this year.  I had these green coffee mugs that we were no longer using and I thought the handle looked like a nose already so it became a witch decoration.  The face is just drawn on with a permanent marker (I would probably just use some acrylic paint in the future for durability), the eyes are just self-adhering google eyes.  I hot glued lengths of yarn to the bottom of the cup and then just teased it out so it got wispy and kinked.  The hat is probably the biggest problem I have with this because I really thought I could sew it pretty easily and turns out it is rather difficult to sew a circle onto a cone.  But I managed to get something that looked close to what I wanted.  It’s rough but that kinda plays into the hand-made nature of it.  The hat got hot glued on and I was good to go!  A nice decoration to set on a shelf or table that cost me nothing but time.  Can’t beat that!  

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